it’s almost that time . . .

I need to make myself a new NaNo icon for 2008!

I am really looking forward to NaNoWriMo this year. I was a winner last year, and although I have not had time to go back and revise what I wrote, I learned so much from the process that I am very hopeful about this year’s project.

For a number of reasons, I’m not very comfortable posting my writing publicly. It’s something I’ve always felt very self-conscious about. So while I’ll very happily post word counts and stuff like that on this journal, I’d like to keep my NaNo name and story stuff private. I know it will keep me from having writing buddies and the like on the NaNo site, but I’m hoping all y’all can keep me motivated :-)

::needs new icon::

I’ve pretty much decided that I’m going to give NaNo another go this year. I’ve got a basic story idea, now all I need is time to do the writing! 

I did it!

Slow and steady wins the race, and I managed to stick with it all month. Once I hit 35,000 and finally found my story, things really picked up, and it became much easier to write. For the past few days, my word count has been much higher.

Whee! I did it!

Congratulations to all the other NaNo-ers. I’m starting to think that just surviving is a pretty big challenge ;-)

Nano Winner Icon