Myth and Magic: Queer Fairy Tales Editor: Radclyffe and Stacia Seaman Publisher: Bold Strokes Books Deadline for Submissions: March 1, 2014 Publication Date: Fall 2014/Winter 2015 Theme: LGBTQ adult and YA fictional retellings of classic fairy tales in any genre and any heat level. Guidelines for Submissions

  • Unpublished short stories
  • Word count: 6,000 words or less
  • Electronic submissions only to:
  • e-mail header: Myth and Magic_ AuthorName or Pseudonym _Title
  • .rtf attachment (story)
  • e-mail body: story title, author legal name, pseudonym if any, address, phone/fax, e-mail address, word count, if story previously published: anthology title/publisher/Pub date, 50 word bio

Story Format:

  • Arial; 12 pt; .rtf
  • double-spaced; standard paragraphing; no HTML
  • file name: AuthorName or Pseudonym_Title

General Info:

  • Submission receipt within 7 days; Submission decisions by September 2014
  • Multiple submissions (no more than 2) accepted
  • Payment: $50 and 2 contributor copies

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