oh noes!

 I started a new book this afternoon, and all evening I looked forward to reading more of it. I’m quite enjoying it; it’s building up to something, I’m not sure what, but I’m curious to see where it goes, and . . . 

suddenly it jumps from page 120 to page 153. At first I thought it was just a glitch with the page numbering, but no; page 120 ends with one sentence and page 153 picks up mid-sentence and clearly something interesting has happened in the pages I don’t have.

When I reach page 184, the pages begin renumbering from 153, and the book continues to its conclusion. Pages 153-184 are reproduced exactly. The bookstore where I bought the book is now closed, so I can’t take it back and get a different copy. I’ve written to the publisher in the hopes that they’ll replace it (or let me download the ebook, which would actually be preferable now that I’m halfway through it!).

To add insult to injury, this is the first book in a series, and I’ve got the other books all lined up on my TBR shelf. Guess I’ll have to set them aside for another weekend. :-(

Talk to me!

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