Books Meme!

1. What’s your name? 

2. Do you read a lot?
Yes, when I have time. Last year I read about 50 books, this year it’ll be around 100.

3. What’s your favorite genre?
I’ll read just about anything.

4. Do you prefer fantasy or science fiction?
Science fiction. Cyberpunk, steampunk, and hard science fiction.

5. What’s your favorite fantasy book/series?
The Earthsea books by Ursula Le Guin. No, wait, the Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. No, I mean the Time Quartet by Madeleine L’Engle.

6. Who’s your favorite fantasy author?
LeGuin, Lewis, L’Engle.

7. What’s your favorite science fiction book/series?
Neuromancer, William Gibson 

8. Favorite sci-fi author?
William Gibson, Philip K. Dick, Isaac Asimov, Neal Stephenson

9. Which do you prefer: a puzzling mystery, or a terrifying thriller?

10. Do you have a favorite mystery novel?
Josephine Tey’s The Daughter of Time.

11. A favorite horror novel?
Probably The Shining, by Stephen King.

12. Do you read romance novels?
Yes, although more for work than for pleasure.

13. How about gay romance novels?

14. What’s your favorite? 
I honestly don’t know.

15. What’s your favorite children’s book?
Oh, my. Um, Coraline, by Neil Gaiman.

16. Is it the same book that was your favorite when you were a kid?
No (wasn’t published yet).

17. What’s your favorite YA book?
I don’t really think of books as being YA, so I don’t really know.

18. Did you actually read it as a YA?

19. In general, do you prefer children’s books over grown-up books?
It depends on what I’m reading. I enjoy both, but not one over the other.

20. What’s your favorite classic novel?
Crime and Punishment.

21. What about general fiction? 
The Reader, Bernard Schlink

22. What classic novel do you just *not* *get*? 
On the Road

23. Do you have a favorite play or drama?
Much Ado About Nothing

24. What do you think of Shakespeare?
I love the comedies and the histories, but I really, really dislike the tragedies, which to me are not tragic at all.

25. Could you pick a favorite poem?
Oh dear. I’m a total Philistine when it comes to poetry. Maybe "Babi Yar"

26. What about a favorite poetry collection?
Not really.

27. Who’s your favorite poet?
Anna Akhmatova

28. Do you read comics or graphic novels?
Not enough to be able to answer this section intelligently!

31. Do you prefer short stories (or short novels) over full-length novels?
I prefer novels, although I like them all.

32. What’s your favorite short story?
Does Heart of Darkness count? Or Wide Sargasso Sea?

33. Favorite short story collection?
Probably Edgar Allen Poe’s short stories.

34. Do you have a favorite short story author?
I’d have to say Poe.

35. What kind of nonfiction do you usually read?
All kinds. History, politics, science, math. Whatever I can get my hands on and understand.

36. Do you have a favorite nonfiction book?
Godel, Escher, Bach comes to mind. Also Catapult.

37. Read any interesting biographies?
I love biographies! I read a good one of Pol Pot a couple of years back. Yikes.

38. History books?Um, see above? 
Oh yes. There’s so much I don’t know, and books open up the entire world to me. At the moment I’m on a bit of an Africa kick.

39. Politics?
Yes. At this kind of ties in with the Africa kick mentioned above.

40. Religious texts?
Not so much.

41. How about books on mythology, fairy-tales, or other cultural stories?
That’s not as exciting to me. I like reading the myths themselves, not analysis thereof.

42. What’s the most important element of a novel? Plot?  Characterization? Style? Themes? Happy ending? 
Yes. I think the most important element is the author’s ability to balance the individual elements.

43. What kind of plot interests you the most?
I love a good puzzle!

44. What kind of characters usually appeal to you?
Smart, independent characters who adapt to whatever circumstances they find themselves in.

45. What is your favorite book overall?
Um . . . wow. I don’t know if I can answer that. In fact, I can’t!

+++PASS IT ON+++ 

46. What’s the last book you read?
C.J. Sansom’s Dissolution.

47. What are you reading now?
Dark Fire, also by C.J. Sansom.

48. What are you going to read next?
I don’t know! Either Neil Gaiman’s The Graveyard Book or Half of a Yellow Sun.

49. Is there a book you would recommend to everyone on your friends list?
I really like The Daughter of Time.

50. Tag five people to fill out this meme:
All y’all!


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