so alive

I have two boxes of books that I have yet to read. Big boxes. Plus a couple of bookshelves. And yet I cannot stop myself from buying more books.

Last year I put together a list of the books I read. I’m not sure I got them all, but even so, I was shocked at how few books I actually read. When I calculated how long it would take me to read all the books in my boxes and on my shelves, especially at my current rate of acquisition, I knew I had to do something.

So this year I have allowed myself to read for pleasure pretty much whenever I want, and it’s been wonderful. Already this year I’ve read about as many books as I did in the whole of last year. And I’m reading a wider variety of books, which is fun. Plus I might actually make a dent in the “To Be Read” list.

Best of all, I don’t feel nearly as guilty about buying new books now that I’m filling boxes with books I’ve actually read!

::makes note to take a box to Half Price Books sometime soon . . . ::

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