
It’s been a good day all around. I just found out that an excellent local chain delivers to my complex, so I had a delicious pizza for lunch. Their salads are good, too. Whenever possible I prefer to support local businesses (restaurants, bookstores, games stores), so I was very happy to find this place.

The book I mentioned last week is still on the NY Times list, always exciting. Also, the Romantic TImes book awards nominees have been announced, and some titles I worked on have been nominated. I’m very happy for the authors! It’s fabulous that they’re getting recognized for their hard work.

::jumps up and down with glee::

I’m currently working on the fifth book in a series. It’s so much fun to be on board for a series and be able to see it through from the beginning. I feel like I know these people (the characters), and I think it probably helps the editing as well that I’m familiar with the characters and the settings, the back stories, all of that. I don’t know if it helps the author, or at least causes less trepidation, to hand over a book to someone who knows what’s going on, but I’m always excited when I hear that the next book is in!

It’s chilly here in Austin today, which means I’ve had a warm, purring kitty curled up close. Hard not to smile under such conditions!

Talk to me!

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