Holy Moly!

I went to Trinity University, a liberal arts university in San Antonio, Texas, that is in the NCAA Division III.

This weekend, they played football against a school called Millsaps. Trinity was behind. Two seconds left in the game. The final play was a passing play that included 15 – yes, you read that right, fifteen – laterals and a touchdown to win the game.

Best part is, they’ve been nominated for this week’s Pontiac Game Changing Performance of the week! Funnily enough, the University of Texas is one of the other nominees, so that’s my undergrad and grad schools both present and accounted for :-)

If you’re interested, you can see video of this either at the Pontiac site or at Trinity athletics. It’s a pretty amazing play!

ETA: And now it’s on the Yahoo! front page (15 laterals lead to ‘miracle’ win). Things you never thought you’d see: when I went to Trinity, they won fewer than 10 games. And yes, that’s in all 4 years combined.


  • Anonymous says:

    football play

    That should be on ESPN. Wow! JLee

    • Stacia says:

      Re: football play

      ESPN has apparently shown the clip a number of times. I really hope Trinity wins the scholarship. $5000 is a drop in the bucket for schools like UT, but it’s huge for a D3 team.

  • jrosestar says:

    On my way to work this morning they played the audio of what happened. I’m hoping they will show it somewhere besides the internet (since we have dial up at home) But the audio sounded awesome!

    • Stacia says:

      I”m pretty sure they show the plays during the NCAA games for the Pontiac ads? But I’m not sure. I definitely would love to see this on a TV screen as opposed to my computer!

Talk to me!

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