on the nightstand

For the last two days I have been reading Corpse: Nature, Forensics, and the Struggle to Determine Time of Death.

I blame Reese for this.

And my father, who was a pathologist and who instilled in me a fascination for such things.

Thus far I’m enjoying it, which I suppose is an odd thing to say about such a work. But it’s well written, engaging, chock full of research without being dry, and very interesting. The one problem I have with it is the use of certain slang terms that might not age well – “circular file system,” for example. There are some terms that might drop out of popular usage that will date the book and/or become unclear in the future. Other than that, though, it’s good stuff.

In other news, Joan Armatrading, one of my favorite musicians, has the #1 album on the Billboard and iTunes blues charts. Yay!

Talk to me!

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