The new USA Today bestsellers list is out, and two books I edited are on it. One has been for six weeks now, and the other just made the list this week. There’s a very good chance that the second book will make the NY Times bestseller list next week, which would make me ridiculously happy.

(Please to repeat the familiar refrain: I am low man on the totem pole, I did not have all that much to do with these books, but I’m still very excited and thrilled for the authors.)


  • jrosestar says:

    While I’ve not (yet) had a book edited by a publisher’s editor, just my experience with a fan/editor (as opposed to a beta, she really is mainstream editor), and my own short story experience :) and from reading/reviewing books; I’ve seen where a good editor can make the difference from a good story to a great book.

    You should be proud of your part (however minor you feel it may have been) in the creation of those books.

    Many congrats!!!!

    • Stacia says:

      I am so happy for this author. This is the second book in her series, and she put so much work into them. The ARCs of the third book just went out, and it looks like there’s just enough time to add “NYT bestselling author” to the covers before it goes to print. How cool is that?

  • WOO HOO!!!!

    Go Stacia, go Stacia, go-go-go!!!

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