
This year I started trying to write again. I’m not entirely sure why; maybe it was that I started travelling again and it made me start thinking, or maybe things had just percolated long enough in my brain that I could start putting words to paper.

Usually I’m happy just writing stuff down and letting a couple of friends read it, but over the past year or so I’ve been encouraged to read calls for submissions and send things in, which has brought me to a previously unknown level of sheer terror. I think people tend to assume they’re learning something about the writer when they read, and I’m not particularly comfortable with that idea, so I don’t like to put myself out there in a public way.

Anyway, in the past six months I’ve sent submissions to four anthologies. So far two accepted and two pending. I’m fully expecting those to be rejections, but at least I tried, right?

::bites fingernails again::


  • jrosestar says:

    I’m not sure if you get emails from your LJ or not. I posted a reply to this, but then deleted it so it will only show in your email.

    Hugs, I can really relate.

    • Stacia says:

      I get e-mails from here, so yes, I read your reply.

      Oddly enough I’m more comfortable writing erotica than other types of fiction, probably because I’ve edited enough of it that I know the form. There really isn’t that much of myself in the erotic shorts I’ve written. There’s more in the other fiction, but I try to rewrite and revise to take as much of that out as I can!

    • {pouting}

      Oh, now no fair — the rest of us can’t read it that way!

      • Stacia says:

        Re: {pouting}

        now you’re just being silly.

        • Re: {pouting}

          Am not!

          But, anyway, it’s good that you’re getting out there and trying — and you’re already successful to some extent.

          But, as you know, I’m right with you with being not so sure about submitting non-erotic pieces. I’m waiting to here about two myself.

Talk to me!

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